Saturday, July 19, 2008

Gen X Misanthrope: Celebrity Rehab with Dr. Drew- Four Days Left

Gen X Misanthrope: Celebrity Rehab with Dr. Drew- Four Days Left

People have been talking about our mention by Dr. Drew on the Celebrity Rehab show and I found this on the web from Gen X Misanthrope's Blog:
r. Drew suggested to the patients that they move on to a facility called sober living which sounds like a halfway house for recovering addicts. Apparently, it's a safe environment where they can learn how to make a sober transition back into their lives. Sober Living scares them. And some of the celebs are shown talking themselves out of going and making excuses why they can't afford it.
It was nice to hear about the shout out by Dr. Drew and also being chronicled by Gen X Misanthrope the only thing that dampens this is the mistaken perception that Sober Living by the Sea is not a fully developed treatment center that offers detox to outpatient treatment from our one central campus in Newport Beach.

Sober Living by the Sea has developed a wide variety of customized drug treatment centers and recovery programs that treat alcoholism, eating disorders, and drug addiction differently for every individual based on gender and age. Sober Living by the Sea has special treatment programs for men, treatment programs for women (including treating eating disorders), treatment programs for mature adults, including a very exclusive and private drug treatment facility for men, and a very exclusive and private drug treatment facility for women.

Our legacy of treating people for twenty three years successfully and the brand name for our network of treatment centers harkens back to 1986 when Sober Living by the Sea basically invented the extended care treatment model. These facts might give people the impression that we are a halfway house, while in fact we are an extended campus of unique programs that provide effective treatment for adult men and adult women who need help with alcoholism and drug addiction.

Dr. Drew apparently recommended (very responsibly) to these celebrities that they continue their treatment with us in Newport Beach as thousands of people have for the last 23 years. We appreciate the "shout out" by Dr. Drew but hope that everyone takes the time to know that we are the world's premiere treatment community.

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