Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Salvia Divinorum - "Spit" - A Potentially Dangerous Drug

There is a new drug causing a sensation among young people called "Salvia Divinorum" that is currently legal in some U.S. States. Salvia Divinorum is a hallucinogenic drug growing in popularity among America's experimental youth drug culture. The drug is getting more and more coverage on the internet and in Youtube videos as well as recently being discussed in the media including on Howard Stern's radio show.

The drug, like many before it (mushrooms, peyote, LSD) will probably be championed by many for being a "natural" high and having mind expanding properties but here at our drug and alcohol rehab centers we have seen enough damage by this class of drugs in our twenty three years to urge people to steer clear of Salvia Divinorum.

One of our many concerns is that Salvia Divinorum is a dissociative hallucinogenic drug that has psychoactive effects that could endanger the mental well being of the user. We fear that users may develop psychosis or exacerbate another behavioral or mood disorder by smoking or ingesting Salvia Divinorum. We've treated so many clients in our dual diagnosis track that we know well that drugs like this can contribute to depression, anxiety, or even antisocial behaviors. Users who are experimenting with Salvia risk causing harm to themselves or others if they use the substance in excess or operate a vehicle under the influence of salvia.

And for the user who tries to claim Salvia is a "natural, organic, harmless" product of the earth we would be quick to point out that:

a) many people are using a concentrated extract of Salvia Divinorum and have no idea what the dosage they are taking is,

and of course

b) there are thousands of poisonous substances that grow "organically and naturally" on this earth. Ingesting these substances can kill you, so taking a dose of Salvia Divinorum can also have damaging effects to you physically or psychologically.

Salvia Divinorum is typically smoked, or taken by chewing the leaves. It can also be taken by drinking the extracted juices. Salvia contains a chemical substance called salvinorin A which is a potent activator of kappa opioid receptors in the brain. These receptors differ from those activated by the more commonly known opioids, such as heroin and morphine.

What to do if someone is on Salvia Divinorum

The psychoactive and hallucinogenic effects of Salvia typically don't last longer than a half an hour, but if someone is experiencing panic or has a negative physical reaction to Salvia Divinorum, then call 911 or visit an emergency room immediately. Keep the person calm and prevent them from leaving, operating an automobile, or any other potentially dangerous activity. If someone you know or care about has been abusing Salvia along with other drugs, feel free to contact our team of rehab admissions experts who can give advice about how to approach your loved one, or read about what to say to a loved one who is abusing drugs.

Salvia Divinorum's Legal Status

Delaware, Louisiana, Missouri have acted against Salvia, and other states including Alabama, Alaska, California, Florida, Iowa, Michigan, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, and Texas are in the process of making the drug illegal.

The U.S. Controlled Substances Act will likely eventually classify Salvia Divinorum as a class 1 drug, making it illegal to possess, and it will thus carry a heavy penalty for distribution or intent to sell the drug.

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