Monday, September 14, 2009

The Responsibility that Comes with Successful Recovery

Steven East is a staff member at Sober Living by the Sea who takes takes recovery very seriously. As you can read in this blog entry, he is committed to carrying the message. 

Altruistic Gifts
 We are fortunate to have been given a voice among countless suffering afforded none. Like many altruistic gifts, at times it seams as though we have been cursed. To look into the eyes of a mother who almost lost her son to an overdose can be painful. Sometimes the right words, in such a situation, are elusive. Sometimes it is better to not speak at all. Like a cure that seams more painful than the disease our perceptions ultimately determine our reality.
We have the responsibility that comes with such a gift to speak for those denied their voice. We can only hope that the right words will be delivered through us. Many times it is not so much what we say but what we do that conveys our message. There are countless ways to say “I Love you and Every Thing is Going to be OK”, with out ever saying a word. After all it is natural for a chemically dependent individual to have mistrust; their former cohorts have done a good job conditioning them as such.
We have been honored by society and endowed by our creator to be able to interpret the pain of these unfortunate who suffer harshly. Many of us have walked a thousand miles in their shoes. Many of us believe our way of life is contingent upon helping others that share our past misery. Others see the rewards of purpose in this endeavor. No matter what lies in the formality of our motives, what we do will always rein supreme over why we do it. The world is filled with people with good motives that do nothing. The world is also filled with people that have good motives, but are incapable of doing no harm. It is not by accident that we are where we are. We all share a common fate. It is one thing to be given the gift of recovery and it is quite another to have been given the gift to help others recover.
- Steven East
Steven East is a Certified Drug and Alcohol Counselor (CADAC II). He specializes in Client Centered Therapy. His approach utilizes an eclectic array of positive reinforcement motivational techniques. His methods help guild our patients towards self-actualization.

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