Monday, May 2, 2011

Bullying and Intimidation has No place in Treatment

If there is such a thing and a place for a "jail house mentality" we believe it would be in jail or at least in primary treatment.

As alcoholics and drug addicts most all of us suffer from a 100 forms of fear and self-delusion.

Addicts and Alcoholics fear their past and fear the future. We are riddled with fear.

We are a Extended care facility not a primary treatment center

By the time people get to us they have been to detox or come door to door from a primary facility.

It is essential that a client feels safe in the present, to be able to deal with fears of the past and or future.

 Here at our treatment center, we try hard each day to prevent possible speed bumps for our clients through education and also streamlining an environment that is conducive to recovery in every conceivable area in their lives. Bullying or intimidation and or any type of violence has zero tolerance here. We are hyper sensitive in this area for numerous different reasons, we are hyper sensitive in other areas as well separating our level of care. Though few are near as important as a client feeling safe.

We want everything to be in their favor from the minute they wake up to the second they fall asleep. We want our clients to feel safe enough so that they can communicate honestly without ego or pride destorting things, so they can learn who they are and stay clean and sober long enough to build a foundation and pure self awareness they can take anywhere anytime in the world.

The fears real or imagined that patients or clients have worldwide are sometimes an excuse to try something different.. these fears are minimized through SLBTS ability to foresee possible challenges we have learn from in the past 25 years.

Having a treatment center with so much freedom in a vacation. Paradise is a delicate balance..with  a whole lot of testing. UA and otherwise.

The combination is unique and special and hard fought.

To recover in a vacation paradise and learn to take that feeling of hope and selfworth after time any where in the world.

Is like being "rocketed into a fourth dimension of existence."

It is what most of us have dreamed that life could be.

It is truly a wonderful recovery recipe.

Peace (at mind) and Pure Love. – Bam!
- Kelly K

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